A fourteen-year-old boy, whose Mum plans on selling his deceased Dad’s Datsun, decides to take his best friend and little brother on one last joyride...
Wann: 25. Nov. 2022 um 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Halle neun
A fourteen-year-old boy, whose Mum plans on selling his deceased Dad’s Datsun, decides to take his best friend and little brother on one last joyride...
This dance short film brings three sensual and brutal duets to the screen. Three stories overlap to tell the memory; what remains of the nostalgic feelings of their union. The choreographies sublimate the cracks that human experience generates and which settle in us like so many emotional vestiges. ...
A crane operator in Beirut volunteers to cover a shift on one of the most dangerous cranes, where he is able to find his freedom....
One Night, two perspectives: High school graduate Carlo tries to hide the first visit of his girlfriend from his parents. The parents want to find out, what is happening in the nursery. ...