Afrika is a Country

An allegorical piece that uses symbolism to tell a narrative about the willful blindness of the “first world” and how inadvertently we feed off the riches of developing countries to maintain the lifestyle we take for granted.

Sunday, March 31, 17:00, Museum for Concrete Art

Tuesday, April 2, to Sunday, April 7, 10:00 to 17:00, Museum for Concrete Art

Director: Kroon Frances
Producer: Stern Talya
Experimental, United States of America, 2018
3:03 min



Frances or ‘Franki’ is a South African Cinematographer based in Los Angeles while finishing her masters at the American Film Institute. She comes from a diverse background having lived in both urban and rural areas in South Africa; England and Honduras.
After completing a BA in Cinematography, she worked on features such as SAFEHOUSE and MAD MAX FURY ROAD as well a huge amount of both international and local commercials. As a cinematographer, she has shot a variety of short films; music videos; and commercials for brands such as Johnnie Walker and New balance. Her interest in languages and people is what inspires her to find the innate beauty hidden behind what seems the ordinary.