Hannah, an English immigrant, is separating from Jean, the father of her daughter Thea. On the surface, the divorce is going well. On the surface.

Director: Noha Choukrallah
France, 2023
18:43 min

Noha Choukrallah is a Belgian director and actress. In 2011, after studying acting at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, she studied creative research and experimental media at the University of Quebec in Montreal. In 2015, her graduation film "Night Light" travelled to festivals and her thesis "Night Light: La théâtralité adaptée à l’écran" was published by the French academic press.
Since then, she has performed in theatres (Théâtre des Galeries, Riches Claires, Compagnie du Simorgh…) and in several short films.
Her latest short film "Amine", produced by Ambiances Asbl… and Wendigo Films, won several awards, including the relay prize at the Le temps presse festival, awarded by Wim Wenders and Jane Campion. Supported by Take Five, HumHum production, Altitude100 and Offshore, Noha is currently working on several projects.

Giving particular importance to solidarity initiatives, she co-founded in 2015 the collective "Clap m’en une!", a collective structure of actors, driven by the desire to reinvent the meeting between different agents (directors, actors, scriptwriters…) of the film industry. Their first guests were Yves Hanchar, Fabrizio Rongione, Vania Leturcq and Samuel Tilman.

In 2019, Noha will also join the board of directors of the Association des Réalisateurs et Réalisatrices Francophones, as an advisor. She will leave the board in 2021 to teach the acting course at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels for third-year baccalaureates.




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