Travis and Peter, two childhood friends in their mid-twenties, decide to go on a camping trip to spend some time together. The desolate nature which surrounds them will highlight their differences and the distance that separates them.
Director: Tommaso Frangini
Live-Action, United States, 2020
17:30 min | trailer
nominiert für Best Short Film 20MINMAX 2021
Tommaso Frangini is a young Italian filmmaker based in Los Angeles. He has a MFA Graduate Degree in Film Directing at the California Institute of the Arts – CalArts. He made two short films, "Ecate" (2017) and "The Plague" (2017), selected and awarded in several international film festivals. At CalArts, he made "Patient 1642" (2018) and "Memories of a stranger" (2019), inspired by "Notes from the Underground" by Dostoevskij, as well as his latest short film is "Finis Terrae" (2020), world première at International Film Critics‘ Week Sic@Sic at 77th Venice Film Festival.
8 years old girl Chasuna travels from her home on grassland to visit her father who lives in the big city. However, during her father’s birthday party, Chasuna finds out he has remarried to a Chinese woman. Chasuna has to learn how to accept her as part of the family....
After winning her first international title, an 11-year-old gymnast experiences both new pressures and a new degree of self-awareness. The more recognition she gets, the more she realizes that the game only has begun. ...
Travis and Peter, two childhood friends in their mid-twenties, decide to go on a camping trip to spend some time together. The desolate nature which surrounds them will highlight their differences and the distance that separates them....
Yann Chapotel
France, 2020
Inside unrolls a mosaic of windows, those of the building that I regularly filmed from my own window. Along this border where the interior opens onto the exterior, a multitude of moments of everyday life overlap and respond to each other, forming a choreographic fresco of simple gestures....COME FIND ME
A sensitive five-year-old girl searches for comfort and ballast when a tragic event engulfs her parents in grief; unable to make contact, she drifts into a world of fantasy. ...
A teenage girl attempts to flee the grief she has felt since her mothers' death by going on a post-exam trip to a Portuguese party town. But the faster she runs, the more the feeling she is trying to escape from catches up on her. ...
A heart-broken young woman is left to look after her friends' heavy breathing pet bulldog while they're away on vacation....